Campus Chiqs and Their Love for too Much Make Up

12:05 pm 0 Comments

Before I even start this rant I have to say, it has been quite a long time since I wrote a piece on this blog. It feels like ages and my mind feels like that neglected area in your back that rarely gets washed when you are in the shower; you know that area where you need an extra pair of hands, not attached to your body to reach…yeah…yeah…okay!!!

Anyway, back to the topic of the day. So I was taking a leisurely stroll towards the campus gym (Gymnasium for those grammar Nazis out there). The sun seemed out to burn the hair of the scalp of my head but still that did not dampen my mood. I had a goal that day and nothing and I mean nothing was going to stop me.

As I hit the final corner leading to the gym, I came across a hoard of girls; I believe they call them cliques. I am not sure, it escapes my mind. So anyway, this clique is literally cat walking as if they are on a fashion runway, the whole lot of them, 5 in number to be exact.

They were dangling massive handbags the size of camping bags from their arms. Shoes with heels higher than your G.P.A and dresses shorter than the perfect Mwakenya. Well, I am exaggerating but I guess you see the picture. Coincidentally, they were are light skinned. Could it be a case of birds of a feather flock together?

I have a theory though, about why all of a sudden there are more light skinned girls around than about 3 years ago. It is all about demand and supply. The higher the demand for light skinned girls the higher the supply, whether it artificially (read bleach/Vera Sidikaring) or naturally. Okay, I digress.

What hit me most was their faces. Never have you seen so much make-up caked upon a chic’s visage. Their lips were smeared in blood red lipstick, upper eyelids coated in all manner of shades of the color green, a thick black ring of eye liner ‘brought out their eyes’ and to top it all off ... "let us throw in a bit of some color red on those cheeks, you know, because we do not want to appear flushed" I would imagine they said.

I am lost for words really…no really. My punch line just faded and now I guess I have to break it off right here. Guys help me out. If you meet this type of girl, just stop her, take her to the side and say this words...

“Bitch, You would look so much more beautiful without all that make up on your face” and maybe, just maybe you will have helped her stop spending too much money, reduced the make-up company’s profits, made people lose their jobs, made the country’s economy collapse….well you know, without women, there would be no economy. AND THAT IS A FACT!!


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google


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