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'Mrembo' was not as expected. I was soon able to discern that mrembo was a term used to refer to any female in the area.

But the problem was not about what i saw but what followed next.  Mrembo was introduced to me as Wairimu, the daughter to the owner of the hotel.

Despite her manly appearance Wairimu was not really that badly off. She had an amazing physic with a rear you might only see on a plump zebra. Her wide hips were really the only way you could tell she was not a young boy. Her young immature breast did less to convince me.

Despite all this I decided to take the positive and to master a difficult smile just to encourage the visibly intrigued mother. Apparently, she had made the quick assumption, calculated my worth due to my immaculate suit and postulated that i would be the ideal catch to take them out of their apparent poverty. 

If only she had attended school and heard  the constant repetitive saying... "Don't judge a book by its cover". If she had know that i was only but an intern I am sure she would not have attempted what she did next.

As soon as i arrived back from the Mpesa shop she was back at my table with two fat chapatis probably prepared with self raising backing flour. I quickly thanked God for my senses; having not ordered more than that. As i struggled to finish my meal she appeared hand in hand with her daughter and she promptly began to introduce her.

I struggled to hold my gaze with hers but i feared that my disgust would show through. But still, i mastered my emotions and managed a calm smile. 

"This is my daughter Wairimu" she started again. "I see you are alone and that is not right. You should have someone to keep you company" she said to me in Kikuyu.

At the time I had a mouthful of chapati in mouth. I swallowed hard and i felt the bolus go down my throat straining the elasticity of my esophagus. I felt the tears in my eyes but i could hardly blink for fear of them rolling down my cheeks and being mistaken for tears of joy.

I stared at her in sheer disbelief as i tried to come up with an excuse; one that seemed to escape my mind.  There was nothing that I could say that would be interpreted as appropriate. So i simply said it..

"I am sorry, but i prefer having my meals by myself. I find it relaxing and my creativity is at its best as i eat." I uttered unconvincingly.

The lady game me a very cold look and dismissed her daughter to go back to whatever she was doing at the back of the kitchen. Her previous inviting look was quickly replaced by a business persona ; a look that was sure to come despite my sheer regret. 

She walked back into the kitchen quietly as i took the rest of my chapati and tea. For once i took my meal in a rush just in case she offered chai-sosa with an extra strong ingredient that was likely to dispatch me to the next world.

As i left the hotel i quickly went over the occurrence of those few minutes and in it i was able to draw a lesson. 

People will do anything to make one step forward in life. Unfortunately that extra step in life is rarely one of hard work but of taking advantage of a sort of opportune moment to try and piggy back on someone elses success. I found it quite interesting. A whole topic in itself. 

Why do women always want the easy way out. Stay with me for a detailed article on my thoughts on this matter from both experience and thought.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google


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