Tips on How to Get the Kenyan Peace Badge

1:06 am 0 Comments

People are asking me, what is the Kenya Peace Badge for Bloggers? Others are asking why I even created it in the first place and what effect it will have on the country?

Well, my answer remains the same. There is nothing I would not do to see this country prosper. Don't we all want our children and grand children to live in a peaceful world. Some may prophesy doom and misfortune, but until that day the war for peace must rage on, like a consuming flame.

The Kenya Peace Badge is just the beginning. It is a humble request for support from my fellow blogger community to dedicate some few minutes or hours of their day to promote peace in this beautiful country during this sensitive period.

The reason why I created it is that, few people have the chance to make a change in other peoples lives. Fewer of this people really care about happens in the lives of others. I find this disturbing. So, in my own little way I devised this idea hoping people will catch it on and spreading the word of peace world over.

So, I urge you my fellow bloggers, join us in this humble cause and lets spread the word of peace to every corner of the country and world over.

How To Get the Badge
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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google


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