The Truth About Kenyan Universities:

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I think Universities in Kenya need to accept reality as it is. If you've been a university student, ask yourself this; did you LEARN HOW TO THINK FOR YOURSELF, or did you simply LEARN? Is it all about 'HAVING A DEGREE' to 'GET THAT DREAM JOB'? Is it all about that 'DEGREE STATUS'? Because I don't see the need for such recognition if your skills aren't CREATING JOBS IN THE FIRST PLACE...Ask yourself this; HOW MANY ARE ACTUALLY THINKING ABOUT YOUR 'DREAM JOB'? THOUSANDS? TENS OF THOUSANDS MAYBE? Can the current job market accommodate this surging demand? And what happens to the rest of US who, as fate would have it, don't get jobs? (YES, YOU & I) Do we simply say that we're not qualified enough & walk away? You want us to study more, but where can we get the money to further our education if we're UNEMPLOYED IN THE FIRST PLACE?! 

There are so many graduates being churned out year after year after year without finding any jobs...Because that's what we're accustomed to; FINDING JOBS. BUT GET THIS: No one owes you a living. I know that you can blame everything on the current global economic recession; and I'm not saying that you're wrong. But ask yourself this question; Why aren't you taught to adapt to this by the lecturers... But oh wait, I forgot. IF THEY WEREN'T EMPLOYED, THEY'D CEASE TO BE LECTURERS RIGHT? I mean, have you ever seen entrepreneurs going on strike or causing civil unrest because of poor pay? OF COURSE NOT! That's why I decided that my life will be by the TRUE MASTERS AND LECTURERS OF LIFE. THOSE WHO WALK THE TALK And I'm definitely not talking about the 'walking by faith' principle used by disillusioned Christians who are only good at singing hymns on Sunday while giving Biblical & philosophical excuses for their misery.

They unfortunately form a LARGE MAJORITY OF THE KENYAN POPULATION.Putting their trust in disillusioned materialistic preachers who are only after their 10%. Preachers who take the congregation in circles with 'comfortable truths'.(READ MATTHEW 7:22!) Submitting to ravenous wolves clad in sheep's clothing as they REP CHRIST TO THE FULLEST! I'm talking about those who HAVE A HANDS-ON APPROACH OF SOLVING CURRENT MARKET CHALLENGES BY MAKING A LIVING WITHOUT JOBS AND ARE THUS CREATING JOBS. Because their THOUGHTS & ATTITUDES are INDEPENDENT and thus CREATE JOBS INDEPENDENTLY. They own income streams and determine how much people earn. (THIS IS THE ONLY WAY THAT THE POOR & UNEMPLOYED CAN BE HELPED ONCE AND FOR ALL!) I'LL NOT TEACH MY KIDS TO LOOK FOR JOBS; I'LL TEACH MY KIDS TO MAKE JOBS! It's only a change of attitude that can make the difference. As Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said; "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

                                                                                                    :adapted from Denis Kiruai.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google


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